Shri Shalig Ram Jain Public Sr. Sec. School, Ludhiana down through the years has been a progressive torchbearer and a trendsetter. Here we meet the demands of the modern world which are changing at an alarming pace.
Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students, and enthusiastic parents with high expectations. Prosperity comes to those who think about their future, set goals, and try to achieve them. Remember, “I have no yesterday, tomorrow may not be, but I have today”. Every year has 365 days and it needs planning for tomorrow, otherwise, you are killing your time. You have the right to see dreams but try to fulfill them.
Here I would like to convey my deep appreciation to all the stakeholders of the school including
parents, students, teachers, and support staff who have struggled through trying times with
immense zeal and commitment to quickly adapting to the changing situation.
Anup Jain