Near Dana Mandi, Bahadur Ke Road, Ludhiana , Pin code 141008

School Events

School Events

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संस्कृत श्लोक उच्चारण प्रतियोगिता में दमनजोत सैनी दूसरे स्थान पर रहा
Shri Kranti Muni Maharaj ji's 29th birth anniversary was celebrated with great pomp and show in the school premises, in which bhajans, kirtans, speeches and other activities were organized, everyone felt happy since his arrival.
Shri Kranti Muni Maharaj ji's 29th birth anniversary was celebrated with great pomp and show in the school premises, in which bhajans, kirtans, speeches and other activities were organized, everyone felt happy since his arrival.
Diwali activities
Diwali activities Incorporating Diwali celebrations in school is a wonderful way to create a joyful, educational environment that teaches children about culture, values, and community. At shaligram we foster creativity, unity, and a deeper appreciation for India’s rich traditions through unique cultural activities. Students actively engage in performing songs, activity cooking without fire and creating Rangoli, encouraging a hands-on celebration of our heritage. These festivals bring students together, allowing them to learn and celebrate in harmony, while also shaping their character
Van mahotsav festival
Van mahotsav festival
Story telling competition
Story telling competition
Story telling competition
Open chat
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