Near Dana Mandi, Bahadur Ke Road, Ludhiana , Pin code 141008

Class +1

List of Books Prescribed Class +1

Sr no Title Publication
1. A Panorama of Life (English) P.S.E.B
2. English grammar & Composition For (XI & XII) P.S.E.B
3. हिन्दी भाषा और व्याकरण- XI P.S.E.B
4. Hindi patya Pustak P.S.E.B
5. हिंदी साहित्य का इतिहास-XI P.S.E.B
6. Lazmi Punjabi (11) P.S.E.B
7. Accountancy I Usha Publisher
8. Business Studies I Usha Publisher
9. Elements of Book Keeping Accountancy +1 Usha Publisher
10. Economics +1 Usha Publisher
11. Spectrum of Mathematics –XI P.S.E.B
12. Environmental Education For Class –XI P.S.E.B
13. शारीरिक शिक्षा या खेले-XI AP Publisher
14. Foundation of Political Science and Indian Constitution and Government-XI J.S Badyal
15. History of India-XI Unimax Publisher
16. Welcome Life Book-XI P.S.E.B
17. Computer Science –XI Usha Sales



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